Engleza, întrebare adresată de bobocderata, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the following sentences by translating the Romanian words or phrases given in parentheses :
1. Jim ! (inchide) down that noisy music ! It (face) me mad ! I (vorbesc) to you !
2. I (aud) that you (pleci) for Chicago next month .
Yes . We (ne gandim) of emigrating actually . My husband (nu castiga) enaugh here and he (spera) to find a good job in America .
3. I (citesc) forever about ,,skinheads ”. You (stii) what the word (inseamna) ?
No , and what the dictionary (spune) ?
4. Why you (te uiti ) at my like that ?
Well , you (arati) horrible today . I ( vreau sa spun ) your wellingtons (nu se potrivesc ) with the evening dress at all !
5. I ( vad ca ) you (faci) your homework now .
No , I (incerc) to write a letter to Miriam . She (vine) next month .
6. You (recunosti) anyone in this picture?
Yes , the boy who (loveste) the ball is my cousin Jim and the one who (sta intins) on the grass is me .
7. Why Ralph (lustruieste ) his shoes ?
He (vrea) to look smart because he (o conduce pe ) jenny off at the airport at 9 .
8. What (ingrijoreaza ) me is the money . I ( nu iau ) the job unless they (ofera) me a good salary .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marymovileanu
1. close, makes, I'm talking
2. heard ,will leave
3. read, know , means , does the dictionary say?
4. are you looking , look, wanted to say , don't match.
5.see, are trying, am trying, is coming
6.Do you recognize, kicks, lays
7.does Ralph polish , wants, is going to lead 
8. worries . won't take, offer
Răspuns de Geta1955
1. turn/switch; makes; I'm talking
2. have heard; are leaving; are thinking; is not earning; hopes;
3. have read; do you know; means; says;
4. are you looking; are looking; mean; do not match
5. see; you're doing; I try; is coming
6. do you recognize; is kicking; is laying;
7. is Ralph polishing; wants; is seeing
8. is concerning; don't accept/take; offer; 

bobocderata: Va multumesc !
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