Engleza, întrebare adresată de anyaandrusenko, 9 ani în urmă

complete the following sentences
model: i wouldn't do that if... i wouldn't do that if i were you

1. they would laugh at you if
2. it wouldn't matter if
3. you wouldn't call him names if
4. they wouldn't have to come here if
5. mary would smile if
6. you would be fined if
7. children would be punished if
8. there wouldn't be poor people in the world if
9. mother wouldn't be pleased if
10. you would have much more money if

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Complete the following sentences .

Completați următoarele enunțuri.


I wouldn't do that if ...

I wouldn't do that if I were you.


1. They would laugh of you if you wore this green hat.

Ei ar râde de tine dacă ai purta această pălărie verde.

2. It wouldn't matter if you didn't bring me back that book today.

Nu ar conta dacă nu mi-ai înapoia acea carte astăzi.

3. You wouldn't call him names if you knew the truth about his decision.

Nu l-ai mai certa dacă ai ști adevărul despre decizia lui.

4. They wouldn't have to come here if they could find this product in their shop.

Ei n-ar mai fi nevoiți să vină aici dacă ar putea găsi acest produs în magazinul lor.

5. Mary would smile if she got roses from her pupils.

Mary ar zâmbi dacă ar primi trandafiri de la elevii ei.

6. You would be fined if you exceeded the speed limit.

Tu ai fi amendat dacă ai depăși limita de viteză.

7. Children would be punsihed if they ate sweets before dinner.

Copiii ar fi pedepsiți dacă ar mânca dulciuri înainte de cină.

8. There wouldn't be poor people in the world if the rich offered them a job.

Nu ar mai exista oameni săraci în lume dacă cei bogații le-ar oferi o meserie.

9. Mother wouldn't be pleased if I returned home late at night.

Mama nu ar fi mulțumită dacă m-aș întoarce acasă noaptea târziu.

10. You would have much more money if you spent it more carefully.

Ai avea mult mai mulți bani dacă i-ai cheltui cu mai multă atenție.



Regula a 2-a pentru if clauses (propozițiile subordonate condiționale):

IF + forma de Past Tense //(1) forma de Present Conditional //(2)

 If I had enough money //(1) I would buy a new electrical guitar. //(2)

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