Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionela66661, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the following sentences using the past perfect correctly.
1. When I turned on the radio, the news ......(finish)
2. When we got home, we saw that somebody .....(break) the
kitchen window.
3. By the time we arrived, the store .....(close)
4. My friend called to tell me that I ......(forget) my wallet in
his car.
5. When we left home, it .....(stop) snowing!
6. They recognized me because........ (not change) at all.
7. We didn't get a table in the restaurant because we......(not make) a reservation.
8. When Janet went back to the hotel, she .....(buy) some
9. By the time I gave you back the book,......(read) it
10. Tina felt nervous during her flight because she
.....(not fly)
11. The movie (not start) when we got to the theater.
12. ......your brother
.....(eat) breakfast when he left?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tudorstoenescu22

1. finished

2. broke

3. closed

4. forgot

5. stopped

6. I did not change

7. didn't make a reservation

8. bought

9. I read

10. didn't fly

11. didn't start

12. Did, ate

scz daca nu e corect

Răspuns de oanaslovenszky
1. the news had finished.
2. that somebody had broken the ....
3. the store had closed.
4. that I had forgotten my wallet....
5. ...it stopped snowing!
6. because I haven’t changed at all.
7. because we didn’t make a reservation.
8. she bought some souvenirs.
9. I had read it carefully.
10. because she hadn’t flown before.
11. The movie hadn’t started when...
12. Has your brother eaten breakfast when he left?
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