Engleza, întrebare adresată de vofforosul, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets. Use CONDITIONAL TYPE I:
1- If Mary ____________________ (study), she ___________________ (pass) the year.
2- I ____________________ (give) them a present if they ____________________ (behave).
3- If you ___________________ (not take) care, you ____________________ (lose) the money.
4- Sue __________________ (get) sick is she ____________________ (not stop) smoking.
5- If they ____________________ (not stay) outside, they ____________________ (not be) all
wet.(3 points)

B) Now complete the sentences using CONDITIONAL TYPE II:
1- If I ____________________ (have) a lot of money, I ___________________ (buy) a big house in
2- If we ____________________ (find) a wallet, we ___________________ (take) it to the police.
3- I ___________________ (not move) if I ___________________ (hear) a strange noise during the
4- If they ____________________ (not live) in Lisbon, we ____________________ (can) see them
more often.
5- I ____________________ (not do) that if I ____________________ (be) you.(3 points)

C) Rewrite the sentences keeping the same meaning. Use CONDITIONAL TYPE II:
1- Your mother is sad because you broke the plates.
If you__________________________________________________________ .
2- I can’t do the homework because I don’t pay attention in the class.
I would be able to do the homework if I
_______________________________________________________________ .
3- They aren’t in Rome today so they don’t see the Pope.
They ______________________________________________________ in Rome today.
4- He doesn’t give up drinking. He doesn’t feel happy.
If he _____________________________________________________ happy.(4 points)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de yuko97



1.studys, will pass

2.will give, behave

3.don't take, will lose

4.gets, won't stop

5.don't stay, won't be


1. had, would buy

2.found, would take

3.wouldn't move, heard

4. didn't live, could

5. wouldn't do, were


1. didn't break the plates your mother wouldn't be sad

2. paied attetion in the class

3.would saw the pope if they were in rome today

4. gave up drinking he would feel happy

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