Engleza, întrebare adresată de alynaely21, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the questions and short answers.is jenny greek?no, she isn:t.,,,,,,it sarah: dog .yes, ,,,,steve sixteen ? no , he...., ,,,,,,they hungry ?yes, they..... . ,,,,,,you nervous ? yse , i,,, .,,,,,,we late ? yes , you ....

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlexXD271
Is Jenny greek?No She isn't
Is Steve sixteen? No,he isn't
Are they hungry? yes they are
Are you nervous? yes i am
Are we late?
Yes,you are

alynaely21: ,,,,it Sarah;s dog ?yes,it....
AlexXD271: is
alynaely21: multumesc !
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