Engleza, întrebare adresată de bpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbp, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the questions.Then read again and answer them.

6.( din acest exercitiu trebuie sa iau raspunsruile si sa il pun la 7)

Hello, I am Nick and this is Peter.We is friend.Peter am nine and I am ten.Peter and i are from London.We are students at Park School.

7. Complete the questions.Then read again and answer them.

1 exemplu: Are Nick and Peter Brothers? (trebuie sa completez eu ).....................
2 ...... Peter nine? .....................
3 .......Nick nine , too? .....................
4 ....... Peter and Nick from London? ....................
5 ........Peter and Nick singers? ....................

14 puncte .... va rog !!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de timeaarkosi
2.Is Peter nine?....  Yes,Peter is nine years old.
3.Is Nick nine too? ... No,Nick is ten years old.
4.Are Peter and Nick from London?..Yes,Peter and Nick are from London.
5.Are Peter and Nick singers?....No,Peter and Nick are not singers,they are students.
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