Engleza, întrebare adresată de tudoraricky, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the replies to 1-7 using "will", "going to", the present simple or the present continuous:
1. Have you arranged to go to The dentist's?
Yes, I've got an appointment. I.....
2.This suitcase is too heavy for me.
Give it to me. I....
3.Can't you stay a few minute longer?
No, I must go. It's half past ten and the last train.... at eleven.
4.Would you like somethink to drink?
Yes, please. I....
5.Would you like to come out this evening?
I'm sorry, but I've already got plans. I......
6.Do you think it'll be dry later on?
No, look at thoose black clouds. It......

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de luisaghinea

1. I will meet him at 12 o'clock.

2. I am going to carry it for you.

3. ....the last train will arrive at eleven.

4. Nu sunt sigura

5. I will go to the cinema with my family

6. It will rain

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