Engleza, întrebare adresată de Masivul300, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in brackets. Do not change the word.

1.) Try not to spill any coffee on the floor (avoid)
Try and ... coffee on the floor.
2.) I can wait for you - it doesn't bother me. (mind)
I ... for you.
3.) John prefers reading to watching TV.(rather)
John ... than watch TV.
4.) The students were forced to stay behind after school.(made)
The teacher ... behind after school.
5.) We are not allowed to leave the room until the exam is over. (let)
They won't ... the room until the exam is over.
6.) I've found and destroyed the rose. Pond said to us.(told)
Pond ... and destroyed the rose.
7.) Olga was sipping her vodka at the time.(been)
He told them that Olga ... vodka at the time.
8.) Why do you like being a spy? we asked her (why).
We asked ... being a spy.
9.) How did you feel when you first became a spy? (how)
They asked ... when he first became a spy.
10.) Which is your favourite Bond movie?(him)
They ... his favourite Bond movie was.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Alexandra565
1. Try and avoid spilling coffee on the floor.
2. I don't mind waiting for you.
3. John would rather read than watch TV.
4. The teacher made the students to stay behind after school.
5. They won't be let to leave the room until the exam is over.
6. Pond told us that he found and destroyed the rose.
7.He told them that Olga had been sipping vodka at the time.
8. We asked her why did she like being a spy.
9. They asked her how she felt when she first became a spy.
10. They asked him which his favourite Bond movie was.
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