Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the second sentence so that it has meaning to the first sentence.
a) George won't leave here before the end of April.
George will be here .................................................
b) We don't allow smoking in this cinema.
No .......................................................
c) You have waited longer than I have.
I haven't .....................................................
d) It's 4.00 now, and I started waiting here two hours ago.
I've been waiting here since.........................................................
e) All classrooms must be kept clean.
Each ............................................................
f) Most of the class walks to school.
Most of the class comes to school .........................................
g) This is as far as we can go along this road.
We can't ........................................................
h) The fire brigade arrived too late to save the burning house.
The fire brigade didn't arrive ..................................................

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Solaris
a) George will be here until the end of April. b) No smoking inside this cinema. c) I haven't waited as long as you have. d) I've been waiting here since 2.00. e) Each and every classroom must be kept clean. f) Most of the class comes to school by foot. g) We can't go any further along this road. h) The fire brigade didn't arrive in time to save the burning house.
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