Engleza, întrebare adresată de smartkid14, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences below using the words in bold. You must use between two to five words, including the word given. Do not change the word given. 1. Peter never remembers to turn off his computer. FORGETS Peter ................................................ turn off his computer. 2. The Black Bulls are likely to win the match. PROBABLY The Black Bulls ................................................ the match. 3. Uncle Teddy is building the new garage. BUILT The new garage ................................................ by uncle Teddy. 4. “How did you break your arm?” asked Fred. BROKEN Fred asked me ................................................ my arm. 5. None of my employees are as efficient as Jack. MOST Jack is ................................................ of all my employees. 6. The cruise wasn’t pleasant and it wasn’t cheap either. NEITHER The cruise was ................................................ cheap. 7. It’s necessary to buy your own racket to start tennis lessons. HAVE You ................................................ racket to start tennis lesson. 8. You can keep this mug if Roy doesn’t want it. UNLESS You can keep this mug ................................................ it.
9. Despite his exhaustion, he went to the supermarket. WAS Although ................................................ , he went to the supermarket. 10. It wasn’t kind of you not to help Mrs Jenkins with her suitcase. SHOULD You ................................................ Mrs Jenkins with her suitcase.
Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in each gap.
1. They get great ………………… from helping the homeless. SATISFY 2. The children had a ………………… time at the aquarium. FANTASY 3. He moved to somewhere in the United ………………… years ago. KING 4. They all looked at him in great ………………… ADMIRE 5. It was the most ………………… experience of my life. TERRIFY 6. I think that the ………………… of that boat is approximately 12 metres. LONG 7. The new graphic artist they hired is very ………………… CREATE 8. We must become more sensitive to ………………… issues. ENVIRONMENT 9. We both had an extremely ………………… day today. TIRE 10. Walter told us about the most popular tourist ………………… of Paris. ATTRACT
Read the text below and think of one word which best fits in each space. Use ONE word for each space.
Throughout history, money, in whatever form, has provided people ……1……. the ability to buy……2…….. sell goods. Thousands of years ……3…….., civilisations ……4…….. to rely on the barter system as a method of exchanging goods. Within this system, a person had to exchange one thing for……5…….. Items such ……6…….. wheat, tobacco and cocoa beans have been used as money at one time or another. It was not until much later that people came up ……7…….. the idea of money in the form of metal coins. So why did the barter system ……8…….. to an end? Coins were much easier to handle and carry around. In recent years, paper money has become more common all ……9…….. the world, as it is easier to use. It ……10…….. not be long, however, before plastic cards take over completely, replacing coins and paper money.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ca1ra2col3
1. Peter always forgets to turn off his computer.
2. The Black Bulls will probably win the match.
3. The new garage will be built by Uncle Teddy.
4. Fred asked be how I had broken my arm.
5. Jack is the most efficient of all my employees.
6. The cruise was neither pleasant nor cheap.
7. You have to buy your own racket in order to start tennis lessons.
8. You can keep this mug unless Roy wants it.
9. Although he was exausted, he went to the supermarket.
10. You should have helped Mrs. Jenkins with her suitcase.

1. Satisfaction.
2. Fantastic.
3. Kingdom.
4. Admiration.
5. Terrifying.
6. Lenght?
7. Creative.
8. Environmental
9. Tiresome.
10. Attraction.

1. With.
2. And.
3. Of.
4. Had.
5. Orher.
6. As.
7. With.
8. Come.
9. Around.
10. Will.
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