Engleza, întrebare adresată de elenadDenisa5, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Simple or Continuous

1. Mary had been studying (study) for ten hours before she went to bed.
2.How long..........(you / clean) your room when..............(arrive) yesterday?
3 I............. (drive) for three hours when the accident................ (happen).
4When she..............(see) the doctor, she..............(tell) him that she.................(not sleep) for three days.
5. The teacher............... (tell) us that he............(teach) for ten years before he..........(come) to our school.
6 Until I............. (find) this job, I.......... (search) for almost ten months without success.
7. Until yesterday, he............(never ride) a motorbike before.
8 She.......... (try) to explain why she ......... (lie) to her parents when a policeman........ (call) to say that they should go to the police station.
9. By the time I........ (get) to the theatre, the play............. (start).
10. I........... (not start) tidying up until all the guests......... (leave).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Imintheghetto


2 did you clean, you arrived

3drived, happened

4sees, telled, didn't sleep

5telled, teached, came

6found, searched

7never ride

8tried, lied, called

9got, started

10 wouldn't start, leaved

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