Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cristocel65, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first one:
Cand am iesit din clasa , el deja isi stransese lucrurile
Cand am ajuns in Italia , matusa mea era la munca
Mi-am facut curat in camera dupa ce am terminat temele
Fratele Cristinei a plecat la mare dupa ce a renuntat la serviciu
Am primit o nota buna dupa ce m-a ascultat de 3 ori.... Am scris asa fiindca asa ne-a dat profa sa facem eu n-am inteles si de aia si am scris enuntul ala de sus ca sa va d-ati seama despre ce e vorba VA ROOG AJUTATI-MA DAU COROANA

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de pixfarapasta
1.When I got out of the classrom, he had already packed his things.
His things were already packed when I got out of the classroom.

2.When I had arrived to Italy, my aunt was at work.
My aunt was at work at the time I had arrived to Italy.

3.Cristina;s brother went to the sea after he had quit his job. 
After quitting his job, Cristina's brother went to the sea.

sigur ala era enuntul exeritiului? ca zice sa completezi dar nu e nimic de completat.. eu doar am tradus propozitiile si le-am formulat intr-un alt mod. sper sa fie bine. 

Cristocel65: Mersiii
Cristocel65: Heii ! De ce n-ai scris Mi-am facut curat i camera... nu-i nimic daca nu stii doar te-am intrebat
Cristocel65: Si ultima
pixfarapasta: aaa stai ca le fac acum. Nu le-am vazut. Mi-am facut curat in camera dupa ce am terminat temele. I tidied my room after I had finished the homework. After finishing the homework, I tidied my room.
pixfarapasta: Am primit nota buna dupa ce m-a ascultat de 3 ori. I had got a good grade after the teacher examined me three times. After examining me 3 times, I got a good grade
Cristocel65: Meraii
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