Engleza, întrebare adresată de Teodora2306, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences to make Type 3
conditional sentences, as in the example.
Van Gogh
N. Campbell
1 If he ...hadn't noticed... (not/notice) the mould in
one of his glass dishes, Alexander Fleming ...would
never have discovered... (never/discover) penicillin.
2 If he ..........
............ (sell) some of his
paintings, Van Gogh ............
(get) some recognition during his lifetime.
3 If Barbara Streisand d ......
(change) the shape of her nose, her career .........
(never/be) the same.
4 If Anne Sullivan .
(not/teach) her, Helen Keller
(not/be able to communicate.
5 If Naomi Campbell .........................
(not/be) so beautiful, she
........ (never/become) a supermodel.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

2. if he had sold/would have got

3. had changed/would have never been

4.hadn`t taught/wouldn`t have been able

5. hadn`t been/would have never become


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