Engleza, întrebare adresată de Liss1, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences using both words.
Leftovers/ scraps
1. I threw out the________and put the_____in the fridge for the following day.

Beverage/ drink
2. No, i don't want a soft______; i'd rather have a hot _______ if that's ok

Bitter/ sharp
3. Helen doesn't drink black coffee as it's too_______, but she does like the _________ taste of lemons.

Beat/ crack
4. To make the omelette, first________ the eggs into a Bowl and then_________ them vigorously with a fork.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Scofield
1. Leftovers . Scraps
2. Breverate . Drink
3. Sharp. Bitter
4. Beat. Crack

Toate sunt puse în ordine. Sper ca te am ajutat.
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