Engleza, întrebare adresată de andulicious, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the comparative or superlative.

1. Ruth seems much .... (happy) today than yesterday , doesn't she?
2. Some scientists think that global warming is ... (big) problem facing the world today.
3.It's becoming ...(hard) and ... (hard) to find a job nowadays.
4. Steve is definitely ...(good) player in the team.
5. Venise is .... (beautiful) city I have ever visited.
6. He feels much ...(healthy) since he started that diet.
7. Tim finds history ...(interesting) than maths.
8. It was one of ... (difficult) things he has ever had to do.
9. The ... (early) we leave, the ... (soon) we'll arrive.
10. I'm sure you can do
... (good) than that. Try harder.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
1. happier
2. the biggest
3. harder; harder
4. the best
5. the most beautiful
6. heathier
7. more interesting
8. the most difficult
9. earlier; sooner
10. better
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