Engleza, întrebare adresată de atletism123, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with can, could, may, might, will, should, ought to, must and an infinitive in the appropriate form:

a. Kerry's rather late. She . (miss) the train.

b. Travellers' cheques . (be exchanged) at most banks.

c. They're not answering the phone so they . (be) out.

d. Don't phone her now. It . (be) the middle of the night in Australia.

e. They (not move) house yet. I saw them in town this morning.

f. I haven't seen Joanna this week. I think she . (visit) her parents but I'm not sure about it.

g. Her exam results are coming out soon. She worked very hard so she . (do) well.

h. That woman's just fallen over. Let's go and see her: she (be) hurt.

i. I don't know where she is. She (not still play) tennis: it's been dark for the last hour.

j. I sent the letter two days ago so he . (get) it by now, but you can never be sure.

k. Jim's been very quiet since his girlfriend went away. He . (miss) her.

l. I . (come) and visit you at the weekends. Anyway, I'll give you a ring to let you know.

m. She was with a man I didn't recognize. It . (be) her brother because he looked a bit like her.

n. The roads are fairly quiet today so we . (have) a good journey.

o. 'Why do you think Tricia was in such a hurry?' 'I don't know. She (run) to catch the bus.'

p. These glasses . (be) Tim's: they look a bit like his.

r. It . (not rain): the ground's completely dry.

s. I . (join) the sports club in the summer but I haven't decided yet.

t. I told her you were coming so she . (expect) you.

u. They've just rung the bell so the children . (be) out of the classrooms in a minute.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de crissi091
She missed the train.
Are being exchanged
Must be out
It might be
Didn't move in the house
Might be hurt
She's not still playing
She should get it
It must be
It's not raining
I'll join
Sunt toate perfecte❤️
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