Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariabianca48, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Ex: If I (win) the lottery , I (never work) again.
Raspuns: If I won the lottery , I'd never work again.
Am nevoie de ajutor la cele de mai jos:
1) If Helen (win) a million pounds , she (give ) some of it to charity.
2) If (be) amazing if Brad (pass) his driving test the first time.
3) If (not surprise ) me if Brazil (win) the World Cup.
4) I (build) more schools if I (be ) Prime Minister.
5) If they (offer) me a job ,I (take) it straightaway.
6) If I (go) to live in the USA , I (not want) to live in Los Angeles.
7) Surely she (not go out with) him unless she (like) him!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de EmilyV
If Helen won a million pounds she would give some of it to charity It will be amazing if Brad passes his driving test the first time It would not surprize me if Brazil won the world cup I would have built more schools if I were Prime Minister If they offered me a job I would take it streightaway If I went to live in the USA I wouldn't want to leave in Los Angeles Surely she doesn't go out with him unless she likes him
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