Engleza, întrebare adresată de scinteidanielap72rg7, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the correct past
simple form of the verb in brackets.
01 forgot (forget) my schoolbag
1 We
(go) to ibiza last August
2 My granny
(buy) me a new
smartphone last weekend.
3 Our train
(leave) at 4:30!
4 The football match was great - my team
(win) 3-0.
(see) Martin with Sandra
at the sports club yesterday.
6 Не
(know) my brother when
he was in Italy.
7 We
(give) my mum flowers
for Mother's Day
8 Sally
(make) a cake yesterday.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Complete the sentences with the correct past simple form of the verb in brackets.

Completați enunțurile cu forma corectă de Past Simple a verbelor din paranteze.



0. I forgot my schoolbag yesterday.

1. We went to Ibiza last August.

2. My granny bought me a new smartphone last weekend.

3. Our train left at 4:30!

4. The football match was great - my team won 3-0.

5. I saw Martin with Sandra at the sports club yesterday.

6. Не knew my brother when he was in Italy.

7. We gave my mum flowers for Mother's Day.

8. Sally made a cake yesterday.​



  • Past Tense Simple exprimă o acțiune încheiată în trecut.

  • La aspectul afirmativ al verbelor regulate, se adaugă la forma de infinitiv terminația „-ed”: to finish - finished.

  • La aspectul afirmativ al verbelor neregulate, se folosește a II-a formă din lista verbelor neregulate: to go - went - gone (went - Past Tense Simple).
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