Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreirodica32, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the correct paste simple form of the verb in brackets.Listen and check.0)Flora changed(change) school last term.1)Kenneth......(love) Lisa when he was young.2)The boys......(arrive) last night.3)We.....(study)maths,science and history last weekend.4)Marco Polo.....(travel) to many placea în China.5)I.....(decide) not to go to university.6)Nu grandparents.....(live)in Berlin from 1955 to 1960.7)The train..(stop)ar five stations before London.8)Helen and her friends.....(chat)online until eleven o'clock last night.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Complete the sentences with the correct Past Simple form of the verb in brackets. Listen and check.

Completați enunțurile folosind forma corectă de Past Simple a verbului din paranteze. Ascultați și verificați.



0) Flora changed school last term.

1) Kenneth loved Lisa when he was young.

2) The boys arrived last night.

3) We studied Maths, science and history last weekend.

4) Marco Polo travelled to many places in China.

5) I decided not to go to university.

6) My grandparents lived in Berlin from 1955 to 1960.

7) The train stopped at five stations before London.

8) Helen and her friends chatted online until eleven o'clock last night.​



Timpul Past Simple - în cazul verbelor regulate, se adaugă terminația „-ed” la forma de infinitiv.

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