Engleza, întrebare adresată de pbichescu, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns and possessive adjectives. Write in your notebook pg.12 ex.13 va rog am nevoie acum de răspuns ​


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la a nu înțeleg ce scrie

b) 1. a. we live in Romania. Our house is in Bucharest.

b. Really? Do you like it there?

2. a. Kathy, is this your pencil?

b. No, it isn't. it's Julie's.

3. a. Susan and I are in the same school.

b. is she in your class?

a. Chris is in the garage with my sister.

b. ok. Why are they there?

a. Bob and bill are in the classroom.


sper că te-am ajutat :)

pbichescu: mulțumesc mult
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