Engleza, întrebare adresată de Edward13, 10 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the negative form of the most suitable adjective.
Astea le ai de ales : practical, important, formal, dependent, fashionable, popular, pleasant.

Ex: I threw away the letter. It was unimportant.

1)She gave away some clothes because they were ......
2) My brother is so ..... ! He can't even boil an egg.
3) The party will be very ..... so you can wear jeans.
4) She doesn't want to live at home. She wants to be .....
5) He's ..... at work because he says ...... things to people.
Trebuie sa fac cu un , in sau im cred.... Alea sunt de negatie la adjective...

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Complete the sentences with the negative form of the most suitable adjective (practical, important, formal, dependent, fashionable, popular, pleasant).

Completaţi enunţurile cu forma negativă a celui mai potrivit adjectiv. (practic, important, formal, dependent, modern, popular, plăcut)

1. She gave away some clothes because they were unfashionable.

Ea a dat unele haine (altora), deoarece erau demodate.

2. My brother is so impractical! He can't even boil an egg.

Fratele meu e atât de stângaci! Nu poate să-şi fiarbă măcar un ou.

3.The party will be very informal so you can wear jeans.

Petrecerea va fi foarte informală (nepretenţioasă/neoficială), aşa încât poţi purta blugi.

4. She doesn't want to live at home. She wants to be independent.

Ea nu vrea să locuiască acasă. Ea vrea să fie indepenedentă.

5. He's unpopular at work because he says unpleasant things to people.

El este nepopular la serviciu, deoarece spune oamenilor lucruri neplăcute.



Prin derivare cu prefixe, putem obţine antonime (cuvinte cu sens opus):

practical ≠ impractical

important ≠ unimportant

formal ≠ informal

dependent ≠ independent

fashionable ≠ unfashionable

popular ≠ unpopular

pleasant ≠ unpleasant

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