Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andra45, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of the following verbs:
wear , break ,eat , know , throw, see , steal , blow ,go.
1 The thieves..... many valuable jewels from the shop
2 How long .... you... Maria's boyfriend?
3 It's the first time I...... a flower-patterned skirt
4 He ..... something bad, so now he has food poisoning
5 The storm.... down many treeas on the hillside
6 She .... away her old jump rope.
7 ..... you..... my water bottle? I can't find it anywere.
8 My friends .... shopping as they have to buy docorations dor Chirtmas
9 My friends .... shopping as they have to buy decorations for Christmas
10 He can't play baseball anymore. He ..... hir arm

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de eusuntbaiat
1) have stolen
2) have you known
3) have wore
4) has eaten
5) has blown down
6) has thrown
7) have you seen
8) have went shopping ( cred)
9) have went shopping (cred)
10) has broken
SCUZE ca nam facut corect la inceput :)

Andra45: Multumesc
Andra45: :))
Kostel26: present perfect trebuie ) nu past simple
eusuntbaiat: uppps
eusuntbaiat: scuzatima
eusuntbaiat: nam fost atent
eusuntbaiat: kostel26, mersi pentru observatie
eusuntbaiat: iaka editez
eusuntbaiat: uite asa
Răspuns de Kostel26
2 how long have you known Marias boyfriend?
6 She has thrown away her old jump rope.
7 Have you seen my water bottle ? I cant find it anywere.
10 He cant play baseball anymore. He has broken his arm.
3 its the first time I have worn a flower patterned skirt.
1The thieves have stolen many valuable jewels from the shop.
4 He has eaten something bad, so now he has food poisoning

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