Engleza, întrebare adresată de claradelicoi, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the present simple
passive or past simple passive form of the verbs.
o Japanese students that go to public schools
are taught (teach) traditional arts like Shodo.
1 Every year new rules
to avoid bullying in schools.
for the party?
Ten classmates
(invite) to her birthday
party last year
(allow) in schools. We can't
bring them here.
This novel
(not give)
Pets are
(write) a hundred years ago​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ghermancristina33

are introtuced, were invited, allowed, isn't given, wrote

malumarox: are cineva idee dacă este corect??
Amalia463: propozitiile nu sunt complete!
ghermancristina33: am scris ceea ce trebuia completat, cred ca toata lumea isi da seama
ghermancristina33: :D
Amalia463: degeaba scrii doar ce trebuie completat daca nu se stie contextul!
ghermancristina33: imi pare rau, credeam ca oamenii vor intelege :(
Amalia463: cei ce nu au cartea nu inteleg..
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