Engleza, întrebare adresată de irasmolesk, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs in Simple Past or Past Progressive:
It___ last week (happen) . I ___ in my grandparent's garden (play) . The weather ___ fine (be). The sun ___(shine ). I ___ with my dog (play ). I ___ a tall tree (climb) when a branch ___( break ). I ___ out of th tree (fall) and ___ my leg (break). When my Grandpa came, I ___ under the tree (sit ). He ___ me to the hospital (take ).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
It_HAPPENED__ last week (happen) . I _WAS PLAYING__ in my grandparent's garden (play) . The weather _WAS__ fine (be). The sun _WAS SHINING__(shine ). I _WAS PLAYING__ with my dog (play ). I _WAS CLIMBING__ a tall tree (climb) when a branch _BROKE__( break ). I _FELL__ out of the tree (fall) and _BROKE__ my leg (break). When my Grandpa came, I _WAS SITTING__ under the tree (sit ). He _TOOK _ me to the hospital (take )
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