Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are two extra words.
invent | comedy | thriller / experiment research | discovery | news
documentary | up and down | cure | towards science fiction
1 I got scared when the dog started running
2 There was a
on TV last night - the funniest programme I've ever watched!
3 I'm going to do an
to see if my idea works.
4 There was an interesting programme last night - a about the history of my country.
5 She's got a serious disease, and the doctor says there's no
for it.
6 My father always watches the on TV to see what's happening in the world.
7 I'm going to do some
on the Internet before I write my essay.
8 She was very late! I got a bit nervous and started walking outside the cinema.
9 Alien Il is one of the best
films ever made.
10 The
of oil brought many benefits to the town.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de emilia8246

1. Up and down

2. Comedy

3. Experiment

4. A documentary

5. Cure

6. News

7. Research

8. Towards

9. Science fiction

10. Discovery

andreeaparlog2019: towards e la prima
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