Engleza, întrebare adresată de emiliailirgmailcom, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Write it in your notebook.
I've got a healthy lifestyle. I(1) ... (eat)
breakfast every morning. Then I (2)... (walk)
to school with my friends, but they (3) ... (not
live) in my street. At break time, I (4) ... (play)
football with my friends because we (5) ... (like)
doing sport. After school, I (6) ... (go) home to
do homework. Then I (7) ... (listen) to music
and I (8) ... (read) a comic. My sister (9) ...
(not have) a healthy lifestyle. She (10) ... (not
play) sport and she (11) ... (not eat) fruit and
vegetables. She (12) ... (watch) TV all the time!
10 Complete the questions. Then write short
answers that are true for you.
1 ... you eat fish regularly?
2 ... your teacher ride a bike to school?
*in poza e continuarea la 10*

Va rog ajutati-ma, dau coroana!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de fabiani07


1. eat

2. walk

3.don't live

4. play

5. like

6. go

7. listen

8. read

9 doesn't have

10. doesn't play

11. doesn't eat

12/ watches


1. Do -> Yes I do eat fish regularly.

2.Does ->  No my teacher doesn't ride a bike to school

3 Do -> Yes me and my friends talk on the phone for hours

4. Do -> They do not surf the internet.

5. Does -> No my best friend does not stay up late on the computer

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