Engleza, întrebare adresată de anatolcalin1, 9 ani în urmă

complete the with text verbs in Simple Past and say what Tina and her parets did last weekend

anatolcalin1: stai ca til scri in cometariu
IrinaMada: ok
anatolcalin1: last wekend Tna and her parets _________ the noisy city..... not leave
anatolcalin1: ii prima mam incurcat si am trimiso
anatolcalin1: they ___________ very busy ................. be
IrinaMada: doar astea sunt?
anatolcalin1: ast wekend Tna and her parets _________ the noisy city..... not leave 2 they ___________ very busy ................. be 3 this is what they ______________............. do 4 on saturday they __________ their flat ...... clean 5 mother_________ some delicis cakes . cook 6 father ___________ tickets for a theatre paly. buy 7 tina __________ her homework. do 8 on sunday they ____________ to the theatre . go 9 after the play they
anatolcalin1: _____________ in the children 's park... walk 10 they ________ at a cafe for ice-cream ...............stop
IrinaMada: This is what they did. On Saturday they cleaned their flat. Mother cooked some delicis cakes. Father bought tickets for.... Tina did her homework. On Sunday they went to the theatre. After the play they walked in the children's park. They stoped at a cafe for ice-cream.
anatolcalin1: mersi

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IrinaMada
Last weekend Tina and her parents didn't leave the noisy city.
They were very busy.
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