Engleza, întrebare adresată de Geoniita, 9 ani în urmă

Complete these sentences with an appropiate word. You have been given the first part of each word and the number of letters.
1. It's the first Shakespeare p_ _ _ I have seen in the t_ _ _ _ _ .
2.There were a lot of critics from the newspapers at the theatre. I want to read their r_ _ _ _ _ _ to see what they thought of it.
3. The play was excellent and the au_ _ _ _ _ _ app_ _ _ _ _ _ very enthusiastically at the
4. I thought I didn't like o_ _ _ _, but then I saw a wonderful p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Carmen and I changed my mind.
5. There was c_ _ _ _ _ _ last week which included a new sym_ _ _ _ _ by a young Italian com_ _ _ _ _ . It was almoust s_ _ _ o_ _ so I was lucky to get a seat!
6. It must be very difficult to con_ _ _ _ an orc_ _ _ _ _ _ ; there are so many different
in_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ being played by so many different mus_ _ _ _ _ _ !
7. I enjoy po_ m_ _ _ _ as well, and I listen to different si_ _ _ _ _ and gr_ _ _ _ . I've got a big collection of CDs.
8. On Saturday evenings I like going to ni _ _ _ cl_ _ _ and di_ _ _ _ with my friends.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Nixo
1.play, theatre
3.audience, applauded
4.opera, performance
5.crowded, symphony, comedian
6.control, orchestra, instruments, musicians
7.pop music singles, grades
8.night clubs, discos

Nu sunt 100% ca sunt corecte toate, dar majoritatea sunt bune. Sper ca am fost de folos!

Geoniita: Multumesc mult!
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