complete these sentences with so, such, or such a/an

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Hi there!
Complete the sentences with so,such or such a/an.
Completeaza propozitiile cu so,such sau such a/an.
1. Winters in Scotland are so cold that it often snows.
2. Going out in London is so expensive that young people often get a part-time job to earn some pocket money.
3. The English are such animal lovers that people treat their pets like part of the family.
4. The British Museum is such a large place that it takes days to see it all.
5. Sometimes there is such bad weather that it feels like it will never stop raining.
6. In London roller skating is such a popular sport that there are a lot of special places where you can do it.
❀ So + adjectiv /adverb ( fara sa fie urmate de un substantive)
so small
so loudly
so expensive
❀So + much / many / little / few.
The children laughed so much.
❀Such a/Such an + adjectiv + substantiv, singular:
such an incredible story
such a popular sport
❀Such + substantiv plural/substantiv nenumarabil / substantiv abstract (advice, courage, generosity, kindness,etc)
such bad weather