Engleza, întrebare adresată de Maria876666, 9 ani în urmă

Complete these sentences with the verb in brackets in the present continuous. 1. She.......the car(wash) .. 2. He .....in the library today.(not/work)...3. They.... a great time(have).... 4. He ....his cousin. (phone)....5. ....You ....to me? (listen). 6. My sister ... my new jeans.(wear)....7. What... you....? We .....a word puzzle.(do).....8. They ...their homework (not/do). What .....they..... . (do).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de GeaninaRaluca
1. is washing
2. is not working
3.are having
4.is phoning
5.are listening
6.is wearing
7.are you doing ? are doing
8. are not doing 
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