Engleza, întrebare adresată de octanewr, 8 ani în urmă

Complete these sentences with words from the table. You have been given the first letter of each word to help you. Be careful! You need to make one word plural.

1 You could see the audience's e........... on their faces as they watched the show.

7 The show was a f.......... disaster even though the critics loved it.

6 The ending of the film was a bit confusing and my friend had to e.......... it to me afterwards.

5 I found his last film a bit d..........., 1|y-1 expected it to be better.

4 As part of the p...........for her latest role she had to gain almost five kilos in weight.

2 The actor Jeff Bridges played the part of a s........... of a plane crash.

3 She is one of the few stars who makes regular d........... to charity.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Laurentiu2009Rusu


1. Etciment



5. Disasterous

4. Plane

2. Secvence



octanewr: mulțumesc!
Laurentiu2009Rusu: n-ai de ce Coroană te rog!
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