Engleza, întrebare adresată de Alina0124, 9 ani în urmă

Complete this passage with correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use Past Simple , Perfect Continuous, the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect.
 Last month I went..........(1 go) to visit a bungee jumping club with my parents and my cousin I...........(2 not see) a jump station before si i was surprised it was so high up. than a My cousin............(3 jump) for more than a year.'  It's really the most exciting sport in the world ' she says. While my parents......(4 have) a cup of tea, I.........(5 stand) at the bottom of the jump station to watch the people go up. Then one of the attendants said: "It's your turn.' I ........(6 realise) I........(7 stand) in the queue ! I didn't know what to say but I really wanted to jump so I went up. Everything looked very small from the top and I was really scared. The attendant said: 'Wait a minute. ......... you .......(8 do)  this before? Can I see your card ?' 'No,' I cried . ' I (9 never do ) itin my life . Please get me down . It's all a terrible mistake !' the attendant was very angry because I (10 waste) his time but he helped me get down.It was very embarrassing .  I (11 tell) my parents about it but I (12 have) nightmares ever since! I never want to go to a bungee jumping club again!
  Va rog sa ma ajutati .. As vrea sa imi specizati ce timp ati folosit .. Este urgent !

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de irinateleoaca
Didn't see; realised, (PTS) was standing (PTC) ; have you done (present perfect) ; have never done(PR PF) it; had wasted(PAST PERFECT) ; have tol(PR PF S) d, but have been having(PR PF C) ;
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