Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Complete this passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Use the Past Simple,the Past Continuous,the Present Perfect,the Present Perfect Continuous or the past Perfect.

Las month I ...(go) to visit a bungee jumping club with my parentsand my cousin.I ...(not see) a jump station before so I was surprised it was so hight up.My cousin ...(jump) for more than a year.'It's really the most exciting soprt in the world,' she says.While my parents ...(have) a cup of tea,I ...(stand) at the bottom of the jump station to watch the people go up.Then one of the attendants said:'It's your turn.'I ...(realise) I ...(stand) in the queue!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Complete this passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Tense Simple, the Past Tense Continuous, the Present Perfect Simple, the Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect.

Completaţi acest pasaj cu forma corectă a verbelor din paranteze. Folosiţi Past Tense Simple, Past Tense Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous sau the Past Perfect.

Last month I went to visit a bungee jumping club with my parents and my cousin. I had not seen a jump station before so i was surprised it was so hight up. My cousin has been jumping for more than a year. "It's really the most exciting sport in the world," she says. While my parents were having a cup of tea, I was standing at the bottom of the jump station to watch the people go up. Then one of the attendants said: "It's your turn." I realised I was standing in the queue!



  • Timpurile verbelor din fragment:

I went - Past Simple

I had not seen - Past Perfect

my cousin has been jumping - Present Perfect Continuous

my parents were having -  Past Continuous

I was standing -  Past Continuous

I realised - Past Simple

I was standing -  Past Continuous

  • Timpul Past Tense Simple exprimă o acțiune petrecută și încheiată în trecut, în timp ce Paste Tense Continuous arată un aspect progresiv (s-a derulat pe o perioadă continuă).
  • Past Tense Simple se traduce în română prin perfect compus sau perfect simplu, iar Past Tense Continuous prin imperfect.
  • Present Perfect exprimă o acţiune începută în trecut şi neîncheiată în prezent. După context, se traduce prin perfect compus sau prin prezent.
  • Past Perfect Tense exprimă o acțiune anterioară unei acțiuni trecute. În română se traduce prin mai mult ca perfectul.
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