Engleza, întrebare adresată de popovjanea6, 8 ani în urmă

Complete with some or any.Ann has bought____strawberries,but she hasn't bought___currants.Grandma has made____ cherry pies, but she hasn't made____ plum pies.Grandpa hasn't planted____ new trees this year.He plante________ nut trees five years ago .Is there_____ ice cream in the fridge?. There are____ tulips in my garden,but there aren't_____daffodils.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NoxNostraEst

1. some strawberries

2. any currants

3. some cherry pies

4. any plum pies

5. any new trees

6. some nut trees

7. any ice cream

8. some tulips

9. any daffodils

popovjanea6: multumesc
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