Engleza, întrebare adresată de cotirlancatalin, 8 ani în urmă

1.She's much.....than her husband.(young)
2.It'a a .......day than yesterday (warm)
3.The vegetables in the shop are ......the one ones in the supermarket.(fresh)
4.The train is ......the bus.(extensive)
5.The new TV programme is ...the old one.(funny)
6.Mrs Jones is a .... teacher than Mr.Andrews.(good)
7.My office is ....Helen's.(near)
8.The traffic is ...it was last year.(noisy)
9.You have a ...life than I have (busy)
10.Drivers in this country are....drivers in my country.(dangerous)
11.The exam today was.....last year's exam.(difificult)
12.She's .....her sister.(smart)
13.Micheal is....than Mathew.(Rich)
14.The students ask.....questions...they did before.(intelligent)
15.Her second book is....her firt one.(interesting)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de kiskiricosmin

1 younger
2 warmer
3 fresher
4 more expensive than
5 funnier
6 better
7 near to
8 noisier than
9 more busy
10 more dangerous
11 more difficult than
12 smarter
13 richer
14 more questions than
15 more interesting than

Alte întrebări interesante