Engleza, întrebare adresată de DanielaEN, 9 ani în urmă

completeaza spatiile libere cu padt simple sau past continuous.
1. He broke his arm when, he ....... (play) rugby.
2. Kylie ...... (make) her first film when she was 21.
3. ...... (you,see) the football match yesterday?
4. I...... (work) on the computer when the earthquake happened.
5. Who was that men you.....(talk) to when I come in?
6. She was so tired she .....(sleep) for twelve hours.
7. The fire .....(destroy) the old church completely.
8. I ....... (wait) in the queue when the robber come in.
9. I .... (have) a bath when she phoned.
10. They ...... (knock) on the door,then day went it.
11. Mark and Theresa ......(live) in Poland for many years.
12. The police ...... (ask) them lots of questions before they released them.
13. We.......(have) tea when they arrived.
14. What......(you,do) when the alarm sounded?
15. The factory ...... (make) six thousand cars last year.
16. She .....(not say) anything to my parents.
17. James ..... (walk) through the forest when the storm started.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MchWoodley
1. played
2. made
3. Did you see
4. I was working
5. talked
6. slept
7. destroyed
8. I was waiting
9. had
10. knocked
11. lived
12. asked
13. We were having
14. What did you do
15. made
16. didn't say
17. was walking
Răspuns de fluffypotato
1. played
2. made
3. did you see
4. was working
5. were talking
6. slept
7. distroyed
8. was waiting
9. had
10. knocked
11. lived
12. asked
13. were having
14. did you do
15. was making
16. didn't say
17. was walking
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