Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Completeaza spatile libere cu verbe la prezent simplu interogativ va rog la fiecare intrebare sa scrieti litera sa stiu la care ati raspuns va rog dau co
roane va rog
a.....................................................................to come with us?(you,to want)
b.....................................................................the password to that computer?(Matin,to know)
c......................................................................like going to the movies tonight?(you,to feel)
d......................................................................in ghosts? (he,to believe)
e......................................................................you are here ?(your parents ,to know)
f.......................................................................you a lot of homework?(your teachers,to give)
g.......................................................................in the evening?(your mother,to cook)
h.......................................................................a uniform in your school?(students,to wear)
i........................................................................to go out tonight?(you,to want)
j........................................................................eating sea food?(your father,to like)

cosminean: mie soomn

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
1. Do you want to ...? 2. Does Martin know.....? 3. Do you feel....? 4. Does he believe in....? 5. Do your parents know..? 6. Do your teachers give you...? 7. Does your mother cook..? 8. Do students wear...? 9. Do you want ...? 10. Does your father like...?
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