Engleza, întrebare adresată de davidmoroianu, 9 ani în urmă

Birthday parties.
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-let's have fun ( how? )

Birthday parties.

ClaudiaClau: Pe ce clasa esti?
davidmoroianu: 10
davidmoroianu: No stai
davidmoroianu: clas a 5-a

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
My birthaday party(E facuta de mine,am avut tema asta la un test)

My birthaday is on.....of....I celebratewith style.My invitations are my best friend ......
my cousin.......and my sister/brother.   ........ brought me a very nice t-shirt.My cousin,... brought me a black pants and my brother write a poem about me.It was very beautiful!An hour later,we go to the ice-skating.the caterers brought a very delicious food and my parents briught some candies,juice and the music.The cake was delicious.After that,I open a present from mom and from my grand-parents.They sang "Happy birthday to you".It waas horible.They havn't voice.It was funny.It was the awsem party ever!
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