Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreeakrissti, 10 ani în urmă

compunere cu titlul " my ideal boyfriend" cu descriere cu dastea. 10 randuri . Please

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de rascanuvasile
I don't think that a boy or a girl can be "ideal", only God is perfect ! But, I keep in my mind, I must confess, that boy who can be a very good friend, very polite and gentle, smart and capable of delicacy and finesse. Is he only an "imagine", a dream ? Why not ? 

Yesterday I was shopping, a man talked to me asking if I was very busy, because he wanted something wonderful for his wife, a special present and he couldn't find it, too expensive or not so impressive for her taste. I chose for him something pleasant, attractive, of course a gift for his wife. He was so happy and he told me that I'm the most divine creature on Earth, what a man and husband ! Similar, in a way, as behaviour, with my " ideal boyfriend" and then it was for the first time I' ve realised that my dream can be not only a " positive ghoast" , but reality! And I told to myself : "Open your eyes, Andreea, you never know, so be you too very    real, he can be arround, here and there ! "

rascanuvasile: Andreea, esti ? Da ? Vrei traducerea? Repede ca am scris toata noaptea la roman si dorm pe mine ! Teach
rascanuvasile: Bravo, eu fac munca voluntara si tu nu esti! Era de tradus, e cam...speciala, da ? Sunt si scriitor, deci e faina ...altfel ! Offf, ce ma mai suparati voi, noroc ca imi sunteti dragi !
rascanuvasile: ghost ! Vezi ca e un "a" in plus...din viteza !
rascanuvasile: A, da, sa nu te aud ca ....de unde am luat asta, care ii este titlul etc , da ? Repet, sunt scriitor, poet, pentru mine a improviza o compunere este ceva atat de simplu, da ? Am pacatul ca sunt prof, ok, dar nu ce stii tu si cum stii tu, am facut scoli afara, am predat acolo, altele sunt relatile intre prof si elevi, de aceea...coool down, ok ?
rascanuvasile: ....be yourself very real too....corecteza in text...am recitit, e mult mai bine cu pronumele de intarire , got it ?
andreeakrissti: multumesc
Răspuns de prieten
 my ideal boyfriend
i think about a ideal boyfriend he was a happy person (girl or boy)  a person friendly .i dream at a ideal boyfrind because i undersand better with the boy decause they arent selfish.
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