Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreialexandru1654, 8 ani în urmă

Compunere cu un super erou in engleză dau coroana​

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Răspuns de denisagruia62




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Răspuns de alexaidkk
Superman is a fictional character considered the most influential and popular superhero appeared in the comics Superman was born on the planet Krypton, from earthly parents, receiving the name of Kal-El. Once back on Earth, thanks to his extraordinary powers, he came to defend the city of Metropolis, in the United States of America. In his spare time, Superman is a reporter for the Daily Planet, hiding his true identity as Clark Kent. Supergirl, another superheroine from the DC Comics universe, is Superman's cousin. Superman has a wide range of superpowers. He possesses superforce (his strength is greater than that of a bulldozer), he can stop a cannon projectile with his bare hands, etc. Moreover, he can melt objects only with his x-ray view. He can easily move through the air at very high speeds, and his overhearing often helps him. Superman's only weakness is kryptonite, a rare stone from his home planet.
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