Engleza, întrebare adresată de ingapopescup363nx, 9 ani în urmă

compunere de 10 propozitii cu titlul The importenss of English languages

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Chriss2005
English is very important because it can help you with a lot of things. For exemple:computers.To understand computers properly you need to understand english.English is the number 1 language in the whole world. There are more then 20 countries where english is the number 1 language. You can also use english to run an international and succesful buisness.

Aici sunt 6 propozitii, daca le scurtezi, poti sa faci sa fie 10!

ingapopescup363nx: numi ese cu 10,dar MERSI
ingapopescup363nx: ese cu 8
Răspuns de Ramons22
It is a beautiful day of Autumn. All of them are beautiful and children go to school.     
 Andrew entered English and did not understand why we need to learn English. When she heard the lady went to him and told him: English is an important matter.
 And you need at least a word in English 'hello' because when it comes to being big there will come some English here and ask you where it is, that and you if you know how to answer it. other countries need to work English, and it does not matter if you are in Germany.
    Andrei understood and taught English up to the 12 class
      All children should learn at least one English class

Ramons22: de ce nu mi ai dat coroana ?
Ramons22: era mai bun al meu
ingapopescup363nx: nu e ceea ce doream
Ramons22: pai cineste l si tradu ca e vorba de limba engleza
ingapopescup363nx: asta e poveste da trebuie ceea ce a facut chriss
ingapopescup363nx: aici e vorba de andrei
ingapopescup363nx: mersi imi va trebui la altceva
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