Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihaifana46, 9 ani în urmă

Compunere de 15-20 de randuri cu titlul "Conflictul dintre generatii".
In engleza daca se poate,multumesc!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de emmalia

For generations, there has been talk of conflict between parents and children. Although the gap between generations is increasingly being analyzed, it is not disappearing. The solution would be, say experts, communication. But, first of all, the causes of the conflict between the generations must be established.

Children often accuse their parents of forgetting what it was like when they were young, of forgetting how much they suffered because of disagreements with their parents. On the other hand, parents blame their children for not wanting to listen to their opinions, of people who have gone through life, aware that "not everything that flies is eaten." Who is right in this war? No one! The verdict comes from psychologists, who say the truth is somewhere in the middle and each camp has something to learn from the other.

Society is dynamic, constantly changing, and cultural patterns are changing. Those of a certain generation, formed according to a set of values, who have their own beliefs about life, risk being less receptive to change.

Adolescence, the critical period

For the young, the values perceived as "changed" by the older ones and to which the latter are reluctant are normal. Then, specialists point out, each person begins to shape their value system in adolescence. A troubled period, in which biological and psychological transformations cause storms in everyone. In fact, the gap between generations is more visible when children reach adolescence. This period involves a process of opposition, experts explain. Young people try to define their own values. They are not necessarily their final choices. But I feel the need to test. And he tests by opposing his parents.

Different regimes, different mentalities

The gap between today's young people and their parents is largely due to the fact that the former did not know the communist regime. They did not know the lack of freedom of expression, of culture and even of goods, which today's young people consider as obligatory for their development. Those of the younger generation find it difficult to understand that in their parents' time, having access to a brilliant career was rather a beautiful dream that could not be fulfilled without great compromises. Those who have felt the communist regime on their skin claim that young people do not properly understand the freedom they enjoy and do not know how to decant good from evil.

mihaifana46: plus ca e de pe internet
emmalia: păi poți scrie pana la un anume punct!
emmalia: Ai vazut-o pe internet cumva??
mihaifana46: Presupun
emmalia: Si poate pe internet e în romana,in fine
mihaifana46: totusi,multumesc ca ti ai ocupat timpul cu tema mea
mihaifana46: apreciez
mihaifana46: :*
emmalia: Ma bucur ca am putut ajuta!
emmalia: Cu drag!
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