Engleza, întrebare adresată de georgicageo, 9 ani în urmă

Compunere de 5-6 randuri despre ultimul meu vis. Repede va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dya15
My last dream was about the future.I dreamt how we would look in the future.Everyone's clothes were white and we even had robots and holograms.People were always working at computers and if they wanted something they would just push a button but they were still complaining about what a hard work they did.I didn't really like it.That dream made me realize how good the world is now,exactly how it is.
    Ultimul meu vis a fost despre viitor.Am visat ccum am arata in viitor.Toata lumea avea haine albe saveam si roboti si holograme.Oamenii lucrau intoteauna pe calculator si daca voiau ceva,tot ce trebuiau sa faca era sa apese un buton,dat ei inca se plangeau si ziceau ca fac o munca grea.Nu prea mi-a placut.Acel vis m-a facut sa realizez cat de buna este lumea acum,exact asa cum este. Sper ca te-am ajutat!

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