Engleza, întrebare adresată de coocie2006, 9 ani în urmă

Compunere (descriere) "Cele patru anotpuri ale anului" in engleza.(traducere daca puteti pls)(6-10 prop)

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The four seasons are Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. ( Cele patru anotimpuri sunt pimavara, vara, toamna, si iarna). In Spring the flowers start to bloom and the birds migrate back from other warmer places. ( primavara florile infloresc si pasarile migreaza inapoi din alte locuri calde) Summer is very hot. (Vara e foarte fierbinte.) In the summer people go to the pool and eat icecream to cool off. ( vara oamenii merg la piscina si mananca inghetata sa se racoreasca) In the Fall kids celebrate Halloween by wearing costumes. ( toamna copii sarbatoresc Halloween imbracanduse in costume). In the Winter grandparents are cooking traditional foods and keep us warm from the cold. ( iarna bunicii ne gatesc mancare traditionala si ne tin la caldura sa ne protejeze de frig.

coocie2006: Autumn
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