Engleza, întrebare adresată de bucuroiudavid, 8 ani în urmă

Compunere engleză At the country side !

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de SteaDeLeopard

Bună !

Exercițiu : Compunere "la țară"

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At The country side

Is it finally summer,and we are on vacantion, we can go to the grandparents, at The country side.I was so happy when we packed up to stay

with them for two weeks.

Grandpa was waiting for us at the door of his house, with a smile on his face as his grandmother made an apple pie. We hugged each other,and after that,we settled down where we where already. We all watched show, but it didn't last long and we sleep on the couth.

In the two weeks we where having fun, but on Sunday my mom and dad came to take us, we said goodbye saying we would meet soon.

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