Engleza, întrebare adresată de padurerebecca, 9 ani în urmă

Compunere în care sa descri cel mai bun prieten în 15 rânduri în limba engleza .

asygabry11: care e numele prietenei sau pretenului tau???

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de asygabry11

(daca pun asta # inseamna sa pui numele prietenei/ului)

My best friend is # . She/he helps me do my homework, get over my sadness and so I do with her/him!

We've been together since year (din ce clasa ai fost cu el/ea) and we never got mad at eachother.She/he has brown/blue eyes , brown/blonde hair and a beautiful smile. # is the best friend I could have.We've never been separated and we are never going to separate.

My best friend listens to my dreams ,my toughts and my problems.

Sper ca e ok

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

         My best friend`s name is Anna and we are classmates. We were born on the same day, 15th March. She is the most wonderful person I have ever known and I love her dearly. She is tall and thin, a little taller than me. She has got blue eyes and long fair hair.We have been friends for as long as I can remember, her parents moved next door when we were very little. I am very happy having her in my life every single day. She is indeed a really best friend.She cares about me and my problems, she tries to understand  and help me when I am in need. She always treats me in a nice and kind way and she is always with me in bad times. She doesn`t tell my secrets to other people and she always keeps her promises. She doesn`t talk behind my back and she doesn`t shout at me when I make a mistake. We always play together,  we share everything and we take up for each other. She has never disappointed me, and I hope I haven`t either. I consider myself lucky, true friendhip is very rare nowadays, therefore I cherish our friendship. We all should consider Benjamin Franklin`s aphorism, "Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing!"

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