Engleza, întrebare adresată de TheRoGamer, 8 ani în urmă

compunere in engleza cu titlul my family descriere si folosim grade

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de antoniaoancea
Family is the most important need of everyone in this world to be secure and go ahead. There are many essential roles of family in the life. A person without family is not complete in this world because family is an integral part of all of us. Human beings are considered as the social animals living in group called as family. Family plays many important roles throughout the life. A family can be small family, small nuclear, big nuclear or joint family. There are many relationships in the family such as grandparents, parents, wife, husband, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. A positive family provides lots of benefits to its all members where everyone shares equal responsibilities within the family. Every member of the family emotionally attaches to each other in their happiness and sadness. They help each other in their bad times which give the feeling of security. A family provides love, warmth and security to its all members throughout the life which makes it a complete family. A good and healthy family makes a good society and ultimately a good society involves in making a good country. I love my family, because they always understand me, help me and make me happy. My parents are very caring and help me with any problem, and my grandparents have given my life color, with many memories with them.I think my family is perfect and I would never lose it.
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