Engleza, întrebare adresată de eugenpopescu302006, 8 ani în urmă

Compunere la tema aceasta va rog dau coronita❤️


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ralucamatei1606

In my opinion,there should be added to the list comunication. How to express what we need or what we want to say.Most people say comunication is very important and I agree with this because otherwise without comunication we can't know what to say or to do in order to solve the problem.And most problems are created by the lack of communication.

We should learn how not to feel guilty for our honest answers about what we think,or that if our answers were offending someone to explain another version of the situation in order to make them understand that even if we don't have the same thinking we're still respectful and we care about they think but in another version of theirs.

Sper ca e ok..Nu sunt la liceu dar..Am incercat sa te ajut

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