Engleza, întrebare adresată de crin234, 9 ani în urmă

Compunere my summer vacantion

Dana89: ai putea totusi incerca sa-l faci in romana si sa ceri sa ti-l traduca cineva....sa ceri totul de-a fata mi se pare cam mult
Dana89: **de-a gata**
crin234: nu-mi trebuie mult vreo cinci fraze
diaconitabianca: Sau ai putea cauta pe google daca nu te doare mana
crin234: -_-
Dana89: cu atat mai mult....vei avea mai mult succes daca le faci singur si ceri doar putin ajutor - trebuie sa depui si tu putin efort, ca doar e tema ta.
diaconitabianca: Sunt de acord cu Dana
crin234: eu tot timpul transform cer niste indrumare

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
My mother was promoted and got an increase of her salary, reason for which she bought me a brand new black bike. Now, my friends envy me and they say I have the most beautiful bike of all.

My family and I took a trip to the seaside where I swam a lot. The see was blue and the water was great. Too bad the sun was burning and we had to leave the beach at noon.

On our way back home, we went to see some historical places. My parents told me that this way I'm gonna learn more about history. They let me see what I am actually learning in books at school.

My best friend broke his leg so he had to stay inside his room for a while. We have played various games on the computers  but he won most of them. We also played chess and I won each time. 

Best part was that my father brought me a turtle which I have to feed every day because she is young. We’ve got a tank full of water kept at a temperature between 80 and 85 degrees. The tank has plants and hiding places and must be kept clean. 

So a lot of things happened during my vacation. School begun but I only see it as a waiting period for my next vacation.
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