Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandraiacob, 9 ani în urmă

compunere nu prea lunga in engleza despre vara.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de riberi
Summer is my favorite season.My fammily decided to go this summer for our holiday at the Mediteranian see.I think that must be interesting.
I know that Mediteranian see is beautiful,very solty ,so is easy to swim.
The water is very clear is well and if you diving you can see a lot a fish or other nice things.
Weather is good no clouds,no rain,it,s quit hot ,about 35 grade,every day sunshine.
The food is different ,local fish ,local dishes.and local sweets are very tested.
I,m waiting the time to past quiq,and I hope to have the best holyday untill now.
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